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Living in Toronto, Canada there was always an urge to ‘head north’ and get muddy.  Jumping on a quad at a very young age I knew I had a passion for the sport. My first bike was a very old Honda Foreman 450 manual shift with some very stock and bald tires.  I rode that thing for almost 10,000km (6,000 Miles) before I moved to the big city.  As an adult it was time to get back into the hobby and I took a look at the market to see what was out there.  Boom! Hello CanAm XMR!  Started with a Outlander XMR 1000 and things got more insane from there..

Now I build purpose built mud monsters that are one of a kind in a region where stock bikes dominate.  Love to go to mud events and meet everyone, see the crazy builds and have a ‘cold one’ with the boys.  Shoot me a follow on Instagram @kingbossquad for all the newest and coolest stuff.

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